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Korejas Kosmētika


Lador C-Tox Clay Shampoo

Lador C-Tox Clay Shampoo 200ml

18.00 14.88
Lador C-Tox Clay šampūns ar māliem un jūras minerāliem maigi noņem netīrumus - līdzeklis absorbē putekļus, lieko sebumu un keratinizētas ādas daļiņas, nomazgājot tās no galvas ādas. Pateicoties sastāvā esošajiem minerāliem, līdzeklis mīkstina matus, nerada sausumu, baro un mitrina. Satur mālu, aļģu ekstraktus, planktonu, jūras ūdeni, kokogles pulveri un tokoferolu.
Lador C-Tox Clay Treatment

Lador C-Tox Clay Treatment 200ml

18.00 14.88
Hair mask with clay and sea minerals Lador C-Tox Clay Treatment deeply cleanses roots, removes residues of styling products, eliminates irritation and itching, softens and nourishes hair. The product fights excessive greasiness of hair, maintains an optimal level of moisture, smooths. Contains clay, charcoal powder, sea water, algae and plankton extracts, as well as babassu and coconut oils.
Lador Root Re-Boot Activating Shampoo Cica & Tea Tree

Lador Root Re-Boot Activating Shampoo Cica & Tea Tree 300ml

19.99 16.52
Lador Root Re-Boot Activating Shampoo Cica & Tea Tree deep clears from dirts, sebuma and particles of the dead skin, refreshes and cools pleasant, diminishes a head skin itch. Means prevent an unpleasant aroma, normalizes sebuma appear, improves skin of a fat and problematic head position. Contain tea tree, centellas and malt extracts, Mentholum, niacinamīdu and pantenolu, BHA-skābi.
Lador Root Re-Boot Purifying Shampoo Ginger & Apple

Lador Root Re-Boot Purifying Shampoo Ginger & Apple 300ml

19.99 16.52
Lador Root Re-Boot attīrošais šampūns "Ingvers un ābols" maigi noņem netīrumus, atsvaidzina un nomierina galvas ādu, mazina apsārtumu un kairinājumu, samazina pārmērīgu taukainību. Samazina jutību pret ārējiem kairinātājiem, novērš lobīšanos, padara matus gludus un elastīgus. Satur ābolu cilmes šūnu ekstraktu, ingvera saknes ekstraktu, pantenolu un niacinamīdu, mandarīna ekstraktu un mentolu.
Lador Root Re-Boot Vitalizing Shampoo Propolis & Citron
Lador Root Re-Boot Vitalizing Shampoo Propolis & Citron 300ml

Lador Root Re-Boot Vitalizing Shampoo Propolis & Citron 300ml

19.99 16.52
Lador Root Re-Boot Vitalizing Shampoo Propolis & Citron gently washes away impurities, excess sebum and keratinized skin particles while refreshing and pleasantly cooling during washing. Moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, prevents the appearance of dandruff caused by dryness. Strengthens hair, makes it strong and shiny. Contains propolis, honey, royal jelly and yuzu extracts, as well as panthenol, BHA-acid, malt extract and vitamin C. It has a citrus fragrance.
Root Re-Boot Awakening Shampoo Red Ginseng & Beer Yeast

Root Re-Boot Awakening Shampoo Red Ginseng & Beer Yeast 300ml

19.99 16.52
Lador Root Re-Boot Awakening Shampoo Red Ginseng & Beer Yeast effectively cleanses the scalp, improves microcirculation, stimulates hair growth, gives shine and elasticity. Refreshes while washing, removes excess sebum and keratinized skin particles, does not dry out. Contains red ginseng and brewer's yeast extracts, biotin, menthol, BHA-acid, panthenol and niacinamide.