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Korejas Kosmētika


Anua Heartleaf Succinic Moisture Cleansing Foam
Anua Heartleaf Succinic Moisture Cleansing Foam 150ml

Anua Heartleaf Succinic Moisture Cleansing Foam 150ml

23.00 23.00
Anua Heartleaf Succinic Moisture Cleansing Foam maigi puto epidermas keratinizēto slāni un mīkstina raupju ādu. Efektīvi noņem visus netīrumus, putekļus, kosmētiku un hidrofīlos produktus. Maigi attīra ādu bez sausuma un sasprindzinājuma. Satur BHA-skābi, haitūnijas ekstraktu, hitozānu, pantenolu un proteāzes.
By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Milky Foaming Wash
By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Milky Foaming Wash

By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Milky Foaming Wash 140ml

29.00 29.00
By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Milky Foaming Wash gently cleanses away impurities, keratinized particles and sebum, leaving you feeling fresh and moisturized. Prevents dryness and tightness after washing, gently exfoliates the stratum corneum, prevents pore clogging and inflammation. It has a milky gel texture that transforms into a gentle foam. Based on 52% green tea, it contains papain and bromelain enzymes, oat flour, extracts of safflower dye, gradenia, cacao, centella, fig and rice, as well as beta-glucan, ceramides and tocopherol.
Round Lab Mugwort Calming Cleanser 150ml
Round Lab Mugwort Calming Cleanser

Round Lab Mugwort Calming Cleanser 150ml

19.99 19.99
Round Lab Mugwort Calming Cleanser maigi attīra jutīgu un problemātisku ādu, noņem netīrumus no porām, neizžāvējot un neradot kairinājumu. Līdzekļa maigi skābā formula satur sastāvdaļas, kas nomierina un samazina mitruma zudumu. Satur vērmeles ekstraktu, 4-CICA kompleksu, pantenolu, alantoīnu un zaļās tējas ekstraktu. Tas ir aromatizēts ar vērmeles, melnās tējas un salvijas aromātu.
Round Lab Pine Calming Cica Cleanser
Round Lab Pine Calming Cica Cleanser

Round Lab Pine Calming Cica Cleanser 150ml

19.99 19.99
Round Lab Pine Calming Cica Cleanser efektīvi attīra un noņem visus netīrumus no epidermas virsmas, maigi noloba keratinizētās šūnas un mīkstina ādu. Tam piemīt izteikta antibakteriāla iedarbība, tas samazina baktēriju augšanu un uztur veselīgu mikrobiotu. Satur CICA kompleksu, LHA-skābi, baltā vītolu mizas ekstraktu un glikoproteīnus.
Some By Mi Yuja Niacin Brightening
Some By Mi Yuja Niacin Brightening

Some By Mi Yuja Niacin Brightening 100ml

21.00 21.00
Some By Mi Yuja Niacin Brightening All-In-One Cleanser removes makeup residue, excessively oily skin, dead skin particles and other impurities, smooths skin texture and leaves skin feeling moisturized.